Green Bay or Bust

IMG_2418Looking at my pic, as I write this, I think I could use some leg extenders–not that I and the rest of the world haven’t notice before, but long shirt and shorts magnifies the problem. Not to let a fashion faux pas stop me, I’m off to learn what the cops know at the Writer Police Academy in Green Bay!

First day, a little rough getting off. To back up–or  backstory as we novelist call it–we should have had a trial run with camper, and would have, if three huge tree branches hadn’t fallen and landed on our roof, which vectored our lives in another direction for awhile.

So, being this is a new camper (used, but it great shape, so said the sale’s man. I say, at least it is pretty) we had to learn to load it on the truck–oh my–good thing my wife can read very detailed directions. Then, we had to figure out how to tie it down–no directions for that. Next, deal with a malfunctioning water system–wife googled problem and got it fixed. That’s my woman! All this, in two days. That gave us a bright and early take off at 5:08 p.m. on the day we’d planned on our early departure.

Then, of course, the stops along the way: first one, half way out of our driveway to make sure the lights were working on the rear of the camper; second stop, down the road to get beer–a must have; third stop, get cash–no, didn’t rob a bank, got it, legit, at ATM; fourth stop, it’s dinnertime, we’re hungry–where can we pull in with this behemoth; fifth stop, rest stop on the highway, we have to pee. Then off we go to cross the Bic Mac and stay at Straits State Park in St. Ignace to camp for the first night. Technically, our sixth stop on our two hour drive to our first campground, on our way to Green Bay.

Oh yeah, didn’t have time to clean or organized the camper, threw the stuff in like a thief in the night, and by now we’re sweaty, exhausted, snarly. Arrived at our spot to park, forgot the toothbrushes and paste, too tired to shower, threw a blanket on the piled high bed, so slipped between the stacks of whatever with our beers in hand, and fell asleep. Tomorrow, we can take care of our camper, wash stinky bodies, and scrape the fir off our teeth.

(To read more about my excitement to attend the “Writer’s Police Academy,” scroll down to: “My Characters an I meet at the the Shooting Range.”)

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